The Belgian Nuclear Society – BNS – acknowledges the agreement of 29 June 2023 between the Belgian government and Engie-Electrabel to extend the operations of Doel 4 and Tihange 3 nuclear units by 10 years (press releases: ENGIE, ENGIE et le gouvernement fédéral belge s’accordent sur la prolongation des réacteurs nucléaires de Tihange 3 et Doel 4 | News.belgium). This agreement means an improved electricity supply, secures the financing of the waste treatment and its long-term management.
The BNS supports the extension of the existing nuclear units in Belgium to bridge the future supply of energy with new builds, as published by its positions papers (e.g. Position paper 2017 and Position paper 2022 ).
The BNS will further follow the evolution in this topic and will continue to inform its members