About Young Generation
The BNS Young Generation (YG) brings together young professionals and students interested in nuclear science in its broadest sense. The YG network is a subgroup of the BNS for members younger than 36 years old. The BNS-YG plays a role in translating the mission of the BNS within its framework on a Young Generation level.
The BNS-YG aims at:
- Disseminating objective scientific information for better public understanding of peaceful applications of nuclear science;
- Promoting the education and transfer of knowledge in nuclear science;
- Enhancing professional and personal relations between young nuclear professionals.
In order to fulfil its mission of information and networking forum, the BNS-YG organizes several activities such as Technical Visits (e.g., Chernobyl, ITER, CERN), Scientific Contests with money prizes, Workshops, and presents the nuclear scene in Belgium to high school and university students, focusing on the fascinating and innovative aspect of nuclear science. In general, BNS-YG activities are integrated within the BNS activities, unless participation is restricted to YG members only. To be kept informed of upcoming activities, follow us on social media and take a look at the Events page of the BNS website.
The Belgian YG originates from a European initiative, and continuously tries to perform its mission at a European level by participating to major events such as the European Nuclear Society (ENS) conference, the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) or the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF). More information are available on the International page.
Become a Member of the BNS Young Generation Network!
- You are a Belgian young (<36) nuclear professional or student?
- You want to know more about the nuclear sector in Belgium and in other countries?
- You would like to be invited for interesting Evening Lectures of the BNS-YG and the BNS?
- You would like to be invited (and have a reduced fee) on unique Technical Visits?
- You would like to meet other young professionals in an informal atmosphere on social events?
Interested? Apply for the BNS-YG Membership on the Membership page.