Page created on 15th November 2021.
The procedure followed for the elections 2021 is defined below, at section 2, after the list of candidates.
Section 1: Candidates
This page lists the 16 candidatures received to constitute the next executive committee (ExCom) of the Belgian Nuclear Society (BNS).
- There are 12 candidates that are presently in the ExCom, and who therefore would like to extend their mandate for an additional 2 years.
- There are 4 additional candidates, who are not members of the present ExCom.
Each candidate is briefly presented below, by name, company, photo, the present role in the ExCom if applicable, along with a CV and/or a short motivation paragraph.
Section 1.1: new candidates

Femke Flachet
Laborelec Engie
I strongly believe in teamwork and diversity. Therefore I believe that I can bring new ideas and lots of energy to the BNS ExCom. Since university I have taken different roles in the nuclear industry and this for more than 15 years now. I think the BNS ExCom works best when it reflects the population of people working in nuclear, including women. I look forward to exchange ideas and to take new initiatives.
Femke’s CV is available here.

Emmanuel Girasa
Being a BNS member for several years, I appreciate the evening lectures and other events organized by the BNS. I recently had the opportunity to give a lecture on the role of nuclear in the future hydrogen economy and it was an enriching experience. I am desiring to provide my experience, my expertise, and my network to the ExCom for the management of the society and for the organisation of the events.
Emmanuel’s CV is available here.

Gert Pille
I hereby put forward my candidature to become the Chair of the BNS Young Generation. I first came into contact with the BNS through evening lectures that were organized a few floors above my office at the Tractebel Ariane-site. Since then I have been on an incredible journey with the BNS-YG, that has brought me all over the world and has connected me with remarkable Young Professionals in Nuclear. It would, therefore, be a privilege for me to keep this collaborative spirit of the Young Generation Network alive and follow-up Fabio Nouchy as the Chair of the BNS-YG.
My responsibilities as the Co-Chair mainly included being the Belgian liaison to the ENS YGN Core committee meetings. There I have learned from other European countries about what events and activities have been successful at engaging both their respective members as well as the general public. I would like to use these concepts and connections to bring fresh ideas to the BNS-YG members.
Together with a new Core Group, I will dedicate my time and effort to provide a valuable and fulfilling experience for young nuclear professionals in Belgium. In the event of a successful election, we would start organizing the following events for 2022:
- One International Technical Visit
- One National Technical Visit
- Engaging workshops
- Scientific Contest for students and researchers
- Social Events and Networking opportunities
- Support to members for participating in International YGN events
- And many more
The Belgian nuclear landscape will experience large changes in the coming years, however, young students & professionals starting today are stilled spoiled with exciting nuclear projects going ahead. It is therefore important that we as the BNS-YG provide a place where can meet, interact and learn from each other as we grow in our careers. I would be very grateful and motivated by your vote of support for my candidature.
Gert’s CV is available here.

Hamid Aït Abderrahim
Arnold Joseph Toynbee in his historical work “A Study of History” (12 volumes) said: « Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder » and that what we can call the decline of civilization. Sometimes when looking to nuclear power actors, I have the feeling that we are not anymore entrepreneurs and daring. We have to be back ambitious ! “ It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it.” I decided to propose my candidacy to the BNS ExCom to learn from this prestigious institution and for sharing my passion and experience in the various fields related to nuclear applications, projects and committees where I contributed for more than three decades.
Hamid’s CV is available here.
Section 1.2: candidates for an extension of their mandate

Michèle Auglaire
Tractebel Engie
Currently BNS vice-chairman
Since the start of my professional career, I have continuously been active in the Nuclear Engineering field.
Taking benefit from my working experience of more than 30 years inside Tractebel ENGIE, I am particularly motivated to have the opportunity inside the BNS to pro-actively represent and support the Nuclear sector that in my opinion constitutes a real solution meeting the challenges of the future in matter of climate changes, energy transition, research, development of new technologies and applications in particular in medicine.
I strongly believe that all these activities require expertise, involvement, commitments, and leadership of experts recognized through an established strong nuclear scientific community like BNS. Accordingly, as future chairman or chairwomen of the BNS it will be a real honor and opportunity to continue contributing actively to this scientific community, having as a major objective with the BNS ExCom to maintain BNS “the place to be “ to bring together nuclear engineers, researchers and scientists to exchange information on nuclear applications and technologies.
Michèle’s CV is available here.

Michel Ceuppens
As a BNS member ever since my studies as industrial engineer in Radiochemistry I have always had a keen interest in nuclear matters in the broadest sense. The energy, industrial and medical applications of nuclear techniques and science are a professional and personal passion.
Professionally I always have worked with Radioactivity measurements in the broadest sense and detection of radioactivity. These measurements going from Environmental applications, Waste characterization, high energy physics and medical applications are a continuous opportunity to discover the multitude of domains where nuclear technology is used.
Since 2019 I have served as a member of the excom to help the society and a more direct input in the organization of the different activities. This first term has allowed me to gain more insight in the working of the BNS but also allowed me to bring in my personal experience in the excom group. I am still learning a lot my self and look forward to extend my engagement as Excom member during the next term.
Michel’s CV is available here.

Vincent Massaut
Currently BNS chairman.
My motivation to continue for a mandate is to help the new Chair to carry out her duties. As “Past-President” I can probably collaborate to the daily management of the BNS and help the new Chair to find her way in the various affairs of the BNS. I think that with my 4 years mandate of Chairman, I have demonstrated that I was fully dedicated to the well-being and to the working of the Society. Within my realization (even if it is not from myself but thanks to the collaborative work of the whole ExCom team and even beyond), one can mention the renewal of the Website, the organization of the 50-years celebration, the organization of two important panel events, the launch (unfortunately not completed) of the review of our book on the nuclear, etc… But most of these items are often the realization of individuals or group of individuals within the Society; and I want to thank them through this !
Vincent’s CV is available here.

Yves Crommelynck
I’ll be happy to further contribute via the BNS ExCom as much as I can to the future of nuclear in Belgium, be it in terms of electricity production, industrial applications, research, and innovation, through activating my network to find EVL speakers, expressing the opinion of key stakeholders, contributing to our debates. To achieve that, it passes through exchanges between people working in different areas and companies and I’m personally convinced that we can be even more efficient at BNS level.
Yves’ CV is available here.

Marc Deffrennes
Retired EC and OECD Official
Currently BNS Liaison officer
My network of contacts, based on my professional career, can be useful for BNS as it has been demonstrated over the last two years and in particular in helping finding high level speakers for EVLs, the Panel on the Nuclear Phase Out and the Academic Session of the 50 Years Event. As an official of the European Commission and the OECD I have gained some skills in political analysis and drafting which may also serve the BNS. As the (ENS) Secretary of the INSC, I ensure the link with BNS and these organisations.
Marc’s CV is available here.

Guido Mulier
Archiphar and SCK CEN.
I’m a member of the BNS society since 2014 and a few years after, I was asked to become a member of the board. It’s my intention to continue and being active representing the BNS image and events organised by BNS. My network has grown in the nuclear world and I put this at the disposal of the BNS organisation.
Guido’s CV is available here.

Nicolas Castin
Currently BNS secretary.
I was honoured to be the BNS secretary during the past two years, during which I contributed to many important tasks, from the numerical modernisation (by the introduction of the new website and the organisation of virtual evening lectures), to the realisation of special events including the 50-years anniversary on 28/10/2021. I would be glad to remain in the BNS ExCom to further help the society in its daily life, and further enhance the connection between the ExCom and the members.
Nicolas’ CV is available here.

Gérald Degreef
Tractebel Engie
I have been working in the nuclear sector for 15 years on various tasks and projects, in different companies, allowing me to get a large overview of the nuclear sector in Belgium and abroad. During these 15 years, I have had many experiences ranging from working for the Belgian Technical Support Organization to the authority as a qualified expert in radiation protection up to on-field experience at the radio-chemical isotopes production company Institut des Radio-Eléments, and passing by a consultancy company Vinçotte Nuclear Safety.
Since 2017, I have been working at Tractebel, first as Lead Engineer, then as Group Manager of a team of 15 engineers in safety & licensing. I remain a passionate about people and science. I have the privilege of being a member of the board of directors of the Belgian Nuclear Society since 2012, among which 2 years as liaison officer with other national societies, and would like to keep contributing to this society for the next term.
Gérald’s CV is available here.

Sammy Shihab
Currently BNS past-chairman
I am committed to support the BNS in fulfilling a policy where the phasing out of nuclear energy in Belgium is reexamined, and new builds of nuclear power plants are to be planned. Indeed, the existing nuclear plants are a Belgian asset to comply with the reduced emissions required by the Paris Agreement. To ignore them should endanger the transition to non-fossil energies in Belgium.
Sammy’s CV is available here.

Hans Naômé
Berthold Technologies
Currently BNS treasurer
My fascination for “nuclear reactors” started in my teens when I joined the youth group for astronomy at the local planetarium. Since the sun is quite difficult to reach, I refocused to reactors here on earth. During my higher education we got a first taste of the BNS. This motivated me to become a member in 2006 a few months after graduation.
It took a few years to become an active member of the BNS core group and after that to join the ExCom. First as YG Chairman in 2012, afterwards I served as secretary and currently as treasurer. As I feel there is still a bright future for nuclear sciences in Belgium, I want to actively participate to the BNS mission and its future.
Hans’ CV is available here.

Badea Martinotti
I am currently the country manager for Belgium on behalf of Framatome. Public acceptance is essential even for mature countries such as Belgium or France. In this sense, collaboration between scientists and professional associations, institutions and actors is important in terms of communication, maintenance and development of nuclear power. I am convinced that my nuclear background will enrich the debates within BNS.
Badea’s CV is available here.

Eric van Walle
I am very interested in the activities of the Belgian Nuclear Society. Regarding my experience and leadership in the nuclear field, I hopefully can contribute to its mission.
Eric’s CV is available here.
Section 2: Procedure for the ExCom elections
The vote was originally planned to be opened during the next 4 weeks, via this webpage, in order to be completed before the general assembly on 16th December 2021. Nevertheless, the number of candidates (16, see above) does not exceed the maximal number of open positions (which is defined to be between 12 and 16 in the BNS statutes). All candidate getting at least one vote would therefore automatically be elected. Given this situation, to simplify the process for everybody, we suggest that:
- All candidates listed below are elected without a formal vote by the members prior to the general assembly.
- The final and formal confirmation of this election will be given by a vote at the General Assembly. Given that the assembly will be organised virtually, the practical modalities of this vote will be defined in the meantime.