Scientific Contest 2018
On Thursday, February 22, the BNS-YG (Belgian Nuclear Society Young Generation) Scientific Contest took place at the Engie Tower in Brussels. In total, 12 applications have been received.
For the Oral Competition, the ranking is as follows:
- Kristof Gladinez, for his paper submitted to the Royal Society of Chemistry and prepared at SCK•CEN and Ghent University: “Nucleation and growth of lead oxide particles in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic”;
- Bjorn Baselet, from UCL, for his PhD paper on “Functional Gene Analysis Reveals Cell Cycle Changes and Inflammation in Endothelial Cells Irradiated with a Single X-ray Dose”;
- Klaas De Medts, for his BNEN Master Thesis prepared at Engie Electrabel and promoted by UGent on “Cartography of the radiation around the reactor buildings of Doel 1 and Doel 2 in case of a severe accident”.
Two ONDRAF/NIRAS Master Thesis Prizes were attributed:
- Christophe Corazza, for his BNEN Master Thesis prepared in collaboration with SCK•CEN: “Optical Fibre Void Fraction Determination for Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Neutron Reactors”;
- Ilker Makine, from ULB, for his Master Thesis prepared at UC Berkeley: “Exact Transport Representations of the Classical and Nonclassical Simplified PN Equations with Isotropic Scattering”.
For the Poster Session, the prize went to Tadeas Wangle, for his work performed at SCK•CEN and KU Leuven on “The effect of precipitation and calcination parameters on oxalate derived ThO2 pellets”.