First Light Fusion: The world’s leading inertial fusion company
Jonathan Shimwell
Jonathan Shimwell has a PhD in Physics from the University of Sheffield. He holds a Lead Scientist position at First Light Fusion. Primarily a neutronics expert with focus on developing automated open source workflows that integrate into wider reactor design studies. Experience in fusion research at both government and start-up level including EU-DEMO, STEP, UKAEA, CFS, KIT and CEA. Previous career as a physics teacher and continues to teach neutronics at UK universities and the NEA databank. A full stack analysis working on: nuclear data processing, particle transport code development, parametric geometry creation, conversion of models, automated testing with CI/CD, user interface creation, containerised software environment creation, cloud computing / web deployment and dissemination. A contributor and creator in the open source neutronics community. Creating software packages such as Paramak, neutronics-workshop and a variety of web apps on xsplot.com. A contributor to popular open source neutronics codes including OpenMC and DAGMC.