Evening Lecture – Thorium: A Nuclear Energy Revolution
Hourly Schedule
- 18:30 - 19:15
- Presentation
- 19:15 - 19:45
- Questions & Answers
Jean-Pierre RevolPresident Scientific Committee at TRANSMUTEX SA
Education: Engineer diploma, ENSAM (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers), Paris (1972), Licence in Mathematics, Paris VI University (1973), Ph.D. in particle physics, MIT, Physics Department, Boston (1982). Fellow, CERN (1982-1984); Assistant Professor, MIT Physics Department, 1984; Associate Professor, MIT Physics Department, 1989; Scientific Advisor to CERN General Director; CERN staff (Physicist) (1991-2013) ; Since 2013, associate member of CERN personnel; Scientific associate at Centro Enrico Fermi, Rome, 2013-2019; Scientific associate at the Bogolyubov Institute of theoretical physics, Kiev, since 2020.
Main scientific contributions: R209, CERN ISR (1977); MARK-J, e+e– collider PETRA, DESY: discovery of gluons (1979); UA1, CERN proton-antiproton collider (1982-1992): discovery of weak intermediate bosons W± and Z0 (1983); ICARUS (1991-1993); Leading role in the proposal, design and construction of the CNGS, the Neutrino Beam from CERN to the Gran Sasso underground laboratory, 732 km away from CERN; FEAT (First Energy Amplifier Test) (1994-1995), CERN proton synchrotron (PS); TARC (Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing) (1996-2000), CERN PS, as technical coordinator and physics analysis coordinator, CERN patent on applications of the TARC effect, in particular the production of radioisotopes for medicine; Conceptual design of the CERN n_TOF facility (1998-2000); ALICE, CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN Team Leader (2000-2009); Coordinator first pp physics, coordinator ultra-peripheral and diffractive physics analysis group; in charge of AD detector (2014-2019).