Evening Lecture – RECUMO: Recovery of valuable uranium residues of radio-pharma in Belgium

IRE and SCK•CEN signed on the 27th of December 2018 a partnership for implementing a structural solution for the uranium containing residues stored at IRE. SCK•CEN is designing a facility to treat these residues with as aim to recover the valuable uranium and to treat the wastes to be acceptable for long-term disposal. The presentation will highlight different aspects of this solution which involves major nuclear players in Belgium.


Feb 28, 2019


6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Engie Tower
Boulevard Simon Bolivar 34-36, 1000 Brussels


  • Leo Sannen
    Director of the RECUMO project at SCK•CEN

    Leo Sannen has a master degree (1978) and PhD (1984) in chemistry of the KULeuven.

    At the start of his career in 1984 at the nuclear research centre SCK•CEN in Mol in Belgium, he managed the physico-chemical analyses hot laboratory, mainly performing measurements on nuclear fuel. From 1990 till 2005, he managed numerous international industrial nuclear fuel research programs. He chaired the international Working Group on Hot Laboratories, co-edited the IAEA guidebook on Destructive Examination of Water Reactor Fuel and published more than 50 journal papers. From 2005 to 2006, he managed the Chemical Technology Department at SCK•CEN. From 2006 to 2017, he was appointed Director of the Nuclear Materials Science Institute (NMS) at SCK•CEN, developing and qualifying materials for present day and future nuclear installations and applications, including medical radioisotopes and neutron transmutation doped semi-conductors as well. In 2017 he was appointed Director of the RECUMO project at the SCK•CEN.

    Since 2016 he is appointed member of the Belgian Scientific Council on Nuclear Matters advising the Belgian Nuclear Safety Authority FANC/AFCN.

  • Mireille Gysemans
    Chemistry Group Manager for RECUMO at SCK•CEN

    Mireille Gysemans obtained a Master degree in Chemistry at the VUB, later followed by a PhD degree and a Postdoctorate at the VUB-Cyclotron in the field of radiopharmaceutical development for radiodiagnostics in nuclear medicine. In 1997 she started her career as a radiochemist at the SCK•CEN where she now manages the chemistry team within the RECUMO project.

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