Evening Lecture – Lessons learned from the Astrid project
Jean-Marie Hamy
Jean-Marie Hamy is the manager of the Framatome Advanced Reactors competency center and he is in charge to deploy the innovative Framatome Design School, that is a unique format aiming to promote design practices and tools within the engineering teams. The objective is to reinforce the visibility of Framatome on advanced nuclear systems design and to enhance attractiveness towards the young generation to be part of these technical challenges.
Between 2011 and 2019 he was in the position of ASTRID technical project manager (GenIV Fast Reactor demonstrator). He has gained more than 25 years of experience in Nuclear Engineering in the frame of advanced projects and Fast Reactor technology in particular. Since more than 20 years he has experienced various positions in the management of engineering teams and projects covering a wide technical scope and concerning various types of nuclear facilities: new reactors, fast reactors, fusion, fuel cycle facilities, refurbishment and dismantling projects. He has always considered that advanced engineering tools and the related design approaches as the key to help in the execution of complex engineering projects. He is enthusiastic and strongly supportive concerning the pertinent innovations in that frame that can help to cope with industrial challenges.