Evening lecture – The European and the Belgian Nuclear Societies Stand Up for Science: Strengthening ties

After an introduction by the ENS President Pr Emilio Minguez, Emilia Janisz will recall the ENS mission and give a brief overview of Position Papers by the ENS High Scientific Council. She will explain the role and actions of ENS at European and wider international level, inter alia the interactions and collaborations with the European Commission, the JRC and the IAEA. She will present the N4C (Nuclear For Climate Action) and detail how members can get involved. Last but not least, she will provide details on the actions dedicated to the young generation in the frame of the MoU with the JRC (open access to the labs for young researchers), the ENEN+ project (summer school  for bachelors and video competition for school pupils), and give the agenda for upcoming ENS webinars and conferences.

Presentation material

Please log in with your BNS member account to get the password for the video recording.

Hourly Schedule

New Day

18:30 - 19:00
Emilia Janisz
19:00 - 19:30
Emilia Janisz
Emilia Janisz
External Relations Manager at the European Nuclear Society (ENS)
ENS External Relations Manager, maintaining networks of European Nuclear Society (ENS); developing and implementing partnership strategies with the European institutions and scientific stakeholders; attracting research and industry organisations to become ENS partners; leading communications campaigns, highlighting the nuclear research and industry success stories towards society; playing a role of secretary of the ENS High Scientific Council and co-leading international "Nuclear for Climate" initiative. EJ became recently the chairperson of the European Human Resources Observatory in Nuclear Advisory Body – working group of the European Commission Joint Research Centre.


May 27, 2021


6:30 pm - 7:30 pm


  • Emilia Janisz
    Emilia Janisz
    External Relations Manager at the European Nuclear Society (ENS)

    ENS External Relations Manager, maintaining networks of European Nuclear Society (ENS); developing and implementing partnership strategies with the European institutions and scientific stakeholders; attracting research and industry organisations to become ENS partners; leading communications campaigns, highlighting the nuclear research and industry success stories towards society; playing a role of secretary of the ENS High Scientific Council and co-leading international “Nuclear for Climate” initiative. EJ became recently the chairperson of the European Human Resources Observatory in Nuclear Advisory Body – working group of the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

  • Emilio Minguez Torrez
    Emilio Minguez Torrez
    President of the european Nuclear society (ENS)

    Emeritus Professor in Nuclear Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
    President of the European Nuclear Society (January 2020 – December 2021)
    Dean of College of Industrial Engineering at UPM (April 2014 – April 2018)
    Vice-Rector for Academic Degrees and Doctorate at UPM (2012-2014)
    Vice–Rector for Academic Management and Professors at UPM (2004-2012)
    Vice-President of ENEN (2009- 2012)
    Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of Euratom (2014- 2018). On behalf of Spanish Government for Nuclear Fission.

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