Special Panel Event – Belgian nuclear phase-out: what impacts?
Key stakeholders of the Belgian energy sector and experts with broad vision will be invited to provide their analysis of the impacts of the Belgian nuclear phase-out in 2025. Each panellist will first explain, from their point of view and level of responsibility, what the nuclear phase-out will have as consequences in their domain of competences. Their analysis should be based on facts and science and not on politically driven arguments. Follow up discussions among the panellists will confront the views, link the diverse perspectives and allow to build a global vision of the impacts of the nuclear phase-out, considering a broad set of issues and point of views. The audience will be allowed to ask questions to the panellists with the aim to strengthen the facts and science-based outcome of the event. A moderator will help to streamline the discussion and interaction with the audience.
Topics/Issues for the Panelists
What will be the impacts of the nuclear phase-out in 2025 (inter alia using the pillars of societal sustainability as a guide for the analysis: impact on environment + impact on economics/affordability + impact on security/reliability of energy supply)?
Impacts for/on the Belgian nuclear and electricity sectors
- Costs and Safety of remaining operation time (until start of dismantlement)
- Nuclear Dismantlement/Waste management and provisions
- Nuclear Industry, Employment, Knowledge and Expertise management
- The electricity generation: ia costs and measures to cope with reliability of supply
- The electricity grid operation: ia grid stability, security and reliability of supply
- The electricity market: ia prices of electricity…
Impacts for/on the environment, the economy, societal sustainability, wider role of Belgium in the European Union and the world (geopolitical perspectives)
- The climate and carbon reduction objectives, other environmental considerations
- The Belgian economy: economic/financial/industrial impacts
- Societal sustainability: including affordability of energy for households (tariffs and taxes)
- Geopolitical considerations for Belgium at European and global level…
Organization and timeline
18:30 Introductory Presentations
- ENGIE/Electrabel: Johan HOLLEVOET: the path to 2025 and beyond: preparing for decommissioning and waste management
- ELIA: Video statement by Chris PEETERS (Chairman/CEO): impact on the Belgian Grid operation
19:00 – 20:30 Panel Session and Conclusions
- Belgian Nuclear Forum: Serge DAUBY (Managing Director): nuclear industry, nuclear employment, supply chain, nuclear knowledge and expertise management
- SCK CEN: Eric Van Walle (Director General): potential impact of a nuclear phase out on the Belgian nuclear research
- ENTSOE: Bruno GOUVERNEUR (Head Operations): impact on the European Grid operation and stability
- IFIEC/FEBELIEC: Peter CLAES (Vice Chair, Director): impact on large industrial electricity users
- WRITER: Marco VISSCHER: nuclear phase out and societal sustainability – role of the press in shaping public opinion
- NEA Senior Analyst: Antonio VAYA SOLER: The NEA Long-Term Operation Report published on 29 July.
- Others being currently invited. We aim for representatives of public consumers defender, and economy experts. Stay posted on the BNS website for updates.
The Mona Lisa meeting room is located at Kunstlaan 56 (Dutch name), Avenue des arts 56 (French name), in the center of Brussels, next to the Canadian Ambassy, close to the Belgian Royal Palace. The access by public transportation is easy, as it is located right in front of the Trône/Troon subway station. The building is easily recognizable because the words “Arts 56” are written in big greyish letters. Once inside, the way to the meeting room will be clearly indicated from the lobby.
Next Event
- Accident Tolerant Fuels (ATF) for present operating reactors
- Feb 27, 2025
- 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm